National Landmark Fort Mose recreates the
Fort Mose Militia Muster
First Saturdays
9.30 am - 11:30 am
Start times may vary slightly
Fort Mose Historic State Park
15 Fort Mose Trail
St. Augustine, FL
This event is weather-sensitive.
Watch this site for updates!
This very special monthly muster will include our Fort Mose Founders Day celebration. Join us to witness militia procession and drill, cannon firing, ceremony, and pageantry. Hear a rousing speech by the leader of the 1738 Fort Mose community, Captain Francisco Menendez!
Visit our Founders Day webpage for more information!

Event Highlights
Join us at Fort Mose on the first Saturday of the month and experience Militia Muster. Visitors will see the Fort Mose Militia bring the 18th century back to life. Witness drills and musket firing. Chat with reenactors, and learn how the Fort Mose militia protected St. Augustine from invasion by the British.
Event Sponsors
This event is supported, in part, by a Arts, Culture & Heritage grant provided by the St. Johns County Tourist Development Council, with support from St. Johns County Cultural Council.
We are also grateful for generous support from our partners at Castillo de San Marcos and The Historic Florida Militia.

We’re also grateful for invaluable assistance from our Partners including Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine Garrison and numerous reenactor groups who serve as ‘opposing forces’.

Did You Know!
Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose, or Fort Mose, was:
- Destination of the original Underground Railroad, running south.
- First legally sanctioned free Black community in what’s now the United States!
Fort Mose Historical Society was founded in 1996, to serve as a Citizen Support Organization (CSO) for Fort Mose Historic State Park.
The Society’s mission is ‘to tell the Fort Mose story’.
Fort Mose Historical Society
Incorporate June 26, 1996
Selected Awards & Honors
Site of Memory: UNESCO Routes of Enslaved Peoples Project
US National Historic Landmark
Site, National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom