Fort Mose Historical Society
The 15th Annual
Fort Mose Golf Tournament
St. Johns Golf Club, 4900 Cypress Links Blvd.
Elkton, FL 32033
May 16, 2025
12:00 pm- 6:00 pm
Shotgun at 1:00 p.m.
May 16th - Join us for a relaxing day of golf to benefit the Fort Mose Historical Society. All are welcome! This tournament is open to beginners and seasoned golfers alike.
Event Highlights
This ‘best ball’ tournament serves as a major annual fundraiser for the Fort Mose Historical Society. Founded in 1738, Fort Mose became the first legally sanctioned free Black community in what is now the United States. It was the destination of the original Underground Railroad, running south.
The mission of the Fort Mose Historical Society is to ‘tell the Fort Mose story’. Join us for a relaxing day of golf,
All are welcome! This tournament is open to beginners and seasoned golfers alike.
Early bird special $125 until 5/9/25, after 5/9/25 $140 per golfer
- No refunds
Food Services
Fort Mose Historical Society will provide:
- Awards Presentation and dinner
Ample parking is available.
Event Sponsors
Geico (Orlando) Roxane Jackson
Chamuel Products, LLC
Ancient City Brewing
American Legion
John Valdes & Associates
Jim & Rose Griffin
Burkhardt Distributing Co.
The Bailey Group
Herbie Wiles Insurance
Coldwell Banker Premium Properties
Dog Rose Brewery
Carmelo’s Pizzeria
Gordon Dental
The Conch House
AM Inspections
Community Hospice
Sandra W. Kenon
Hank and Viola White
Land Title of America
Roger & Nancy Kline
Laws & Associates
Loving Care Living Facility
Charles & Marilyn Ellis
Milton E. Bruton
St. Johns County Cultural Council
Almeta L. Monroe Insurance Agency
Jackson Law Group
Hal Dockins, Sr.
Harold and Twila Lock
Clarence and Mildred Williams
Derry & Bridgette Green
Greg & Lydia White
Twila A. Hudson
Past Supporters and Partners
Pop a Lock, Inc. of St. Augustine
Alton Green Memorial American Legion Post 194
Ideal Aluminum
Coldwell Bankers
Chamuel Products
John Valdes & Associates, Inc.
The Bailey Group
Herbie Wiles Insurance
Jim & Rose Griffin
Hole sponsors and other support
Community Hospice & Palliative Care
Publix, Jax MCR
Dog Rose Brewing Company
Milton E. Bruton
Derry Green, Commander American Legion Post 194/Bridgette Green, President
Greg & Lydia White
Laws & Associates, Inc.
Charles & Marilyn Ellis
Mayor Nancy Sikes-Kline & Roger Kline
Randy & Joann Johnson
Hal Dockins, Sr.
EVOLVE Magazine
Island Doctors
Alma Melvin
Clarence & Mildred Williams
Hank & Viola White
Loving Care Living Facility, Inc.
PJ Liquors
Royal St. Augustine Golf and Country Club
Hammock Beach Golf Resort
Hammock Dunes Club & Links Golf Course
The Palencia Club, St. Augustine
Cypress Knoll Golf & Country Club
Odd Birds
Alta Marea
Old Coast Ales
Growers' Alliance
Gas Restaurant
Contesse's Bistro
Terra Aqua
Preserved Restaurant
Beachside Diner
Ford's Garage
Raintree Restaurant
The Conch House
Metro Diner
Longhorns Restaurant
Outback Restaurant
Gypsy Cab Restaurant
Carabas Restaurant
Rec Lobster Restaurant
Palm Beach Autographed Sports, Jacksonville
Sedick, Roger, Rose,
Did You Know!
Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose, or Fort Mose, was:
- Destination of the original Underground Railroad, running south.
- First legally sanctioned free Black community in what’s now the United States!
Fort Mose Historical Society
Incorporate June 26, 1996
Selected Awards & Honors
Site of Memory: UNESCO Routes of Enslaved Peoples Project
US National Historic Landmark
Site, National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom